Message from Renee: Play Has Always Been in Fashion

Renee’s Opening Remarks: Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year at Columbia Greenhouse Nursery School. We are thrilled to start the year with old friends and families and eager to meet and get to know our new friends and families.  There is much conversation about the state of childhood in America today. You would be hard-pressed […]

Annual Report 2023-2024

Click here to read more from our Annual Report 2023-2024. Find out more about how our curriculum developed this year. Read a heartfelt piece written by a Greenhouse parent, “I will miss my teachers.” Find out about our engaged, connected community! And more! We are thrilled to share the year with you and look forward with […]

Children’s Art Exhibition and Fundraiser: 2/3/24

BUY YOUR TICKETS NOW! Join us for our biggest fundraising event of the year! Support Greenhouse and come to our school-wide art exhibition. This year will be even bigger and better than the last! Every Greenhouse child will have multiple pieces of art on display in the show. See the impact of our children’s unique […]